Friday, May 25, 2007

Telecommunication Kiosk (TELKOM) is asked to unblock IDD

BRTI sent a letter to PT Telkom with regards to the continual blocking of International Direct Dialing - IDD access code 001 and 008 by certain Telecommunication Kiosk, shorten as Wartel (Warung Telekomunikasi) in Batam area.

BRTI has carry out a field check and found that the blocking is still occurring in Batam, RIAU Island. The field check was performed upon receiving a report from APWI (Asosiasi Pengusaha Wartel Indonesia) at BRTI Gathering on middle May 2007. This blocking is prohibited and inequitable to the Mahkamah Agung RI (Supreme Court of Indonesia).

Within its letter, BRTI orders PT Telkom to immediately create a Circulation Letter address to all WARTEL in Indonesia, including Warung TELKOM (TELKOM Telco Kiosk). WARTEL must not perform such blocking or to unblock the service of IDD access code 001 and 008 belongs to PT INDOSAT. This (ongoing) blocking is considered as a breaching of the Law No. 5 year 1999 about Anti Monopoly Practice and Unfair Business Competition.

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