Saturday, June 30, 2007
Telkom`s 2006 income from cell phones Rp 20.6 trillion
Label: telkom
SingTel Faces Probe By Indonesia Competition Commission
Friday, June 29, 2007
SingTel Wins Battle for Stake in Warid
SingTel said Thursday it will pay US$758 million to acquire the stake from Warid's parent company, Abu Dhabi Group.[more, online.wsj]
Indonesia Telkom mulls acquisition to boost market cap
ST Telemedia not to sell its stake in Indosat
Label: excelcomindo, Indosat, STT, telkom, telkomsel
INDONESIA: Indonesia's investment chief reassures Temasek
That was the "personal guarantee" given by Indonesia's pro-business poster boy, Mr Muhammad Lutfi, in an interview with The Straits Times in Singapore late on Tuesday. [more, asiamedia]
Label: government, Indosat, telkomsel, Temasek
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Jakarta shares end morning lower on further Wall St. fall, weak rupiah
Bakrie Telecom to raise $145m syndicated loan for expansion
Label: Bakrie Telecom, CDMA
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
House to probe satellite fiasco
Label: government, Indosat, satellite, Temasek
Bakrie Telecom secures U$145 M syndicated loan
Label: Bakrie Telecom
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Fair process pledge given in probe into top two telcos
Pefindo gives A-rating to Bakrie Telecom bonds
Label: Bakrie Telecom
Monday, June 25, 2007
Telkomsel & Indosat News from Detikinet
... Rinaldi Firmansyah yang kini menjabat Direktur Utama Telkom, juga merangkap sebagai Komisaris Utama menggantikan Mochamad Hasjim Thojib.
Transaksi Derivatif, Freetalk dan Proses Pengadaan
... Jakarta, PT Indosat Tbk menyampaikan penjelasan resmi ke Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya sehubungan adanya informasi tentang pelaporan ke Kepolisian terkait transaksi derivatif, pajak freetalk dan proses pengadaan di Indosat.
Telkomsel Proyeksikan 18 juta Pelanggan 3G di 2010
... Singapura, Telkomsel memproyeksikan pelanggan 3G-nya mencapai 18 juta atau sekitar 30% dari total 60 juta pelanggannya di 2010.
Competition brings best out of S'pore's telecom sector: IDA
NTT-Maxis on hold till September
Saturday, June 23, 2007
NSN Sarankan Telepon Umum Pakai 3G
Singapore's ST Telemedia denies wrongdoing in Indosat investment
Label: Indosat
Post offices to provide access to digital world
Label: internet
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Yahoo Seals Partnerships With Six Telcos In Asia
...Besides Maxis, the other partners are Globe Telecom Inc (the Philippines), Idea Cellular Ltd (India), LG Telecom (South Korea), PT Telekomunikasi Selular "Telkomsel" (Indonesia) and Taiwan Mobile. [more, bernama]
Anti-Indosat crusaders turn to police
Label: Indosat
CDMA fast becoming GSM challenger; Which will prevail?
IndosatM2 (IM2) Launches New Ku-Band Satellite Broadband Built On iDirect Platform
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
SEVEN and UFIDA Partner to Bring Mobile Email to Enterprise Customers
... SEVEN is available today for all major international network standards, and chosen by a million users and over 100 leading mobile operators worldwide, including ... Hutchison, ...Telkom Indonesia ... [more,]
11 Operator Bersatu Pangkas Duplikasi Biaya
Telkom eyeing telecommunications business overseas
Label: telkom
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Tango Telecom iAX Anti-Spam deployed by leading Indonesian operator, Indosat
Label: Indosat
Press freedom is safe: Govt
Label: government, Indosat, Temasek
iDirect Expands Satellite Business in Asia Pacific
...IndosatM2 (IM2), the largest Internet Service Provider in Indonesia, has adopted iDirect's satellite platform to offer broadband service over Ku Band. [more,]
99% Warga Nikmati Akses Internet Broadband
Hutchison Bets on Telecom Growth
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Telkomsel Raih 40.000 Pelanggan 3G di Kalsel
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Telkom Flexi, Satellite, & USO News from Detikinet
USO Disarankan Pakai Akses Pita Lebar Satelit
Perangkat Flexi Diganti, Telkom Seleksi Vendor
Trikomsel & Carrefour Launches Carrefour Isi Pulsa
Friday, June 15, 2007
News About Satellite from Detikinet
...layaknya layanan televisi berbayar Astro yang diperbolehkan menayangkan langsung siarannya lewat satelit Measat dari Malaysia.
Frekuensi 3,5 GHz Hanya untuk Satelit
...frekuensi 3,5 GHz yang sudah ditempati untuk layanan satelit, tidak akan digunakan untuk layanan akses pita lebar atau broadband wireless access (BWA).
Satelit Sumbang 20% Penetrasi Internet
Postel Bantah Tak Transparan Soal Satelit
Label: satellite
Indosat reports strong rise in revenues, profits in Q1
Label: Indosat
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Lagi, Postel Cabut Izin ISP
...Postel juga telah mencabut lisensi Network Access Point (NAP) atau izin penyelenggaraan jasa interkoneksi internet milik PT Napsindo Primatel Internasional yang merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT Telkom Tbk. [more, detikinet]
Label: government, telkom
Broadband spreads across globe
Label: broadband
Satellite, Telkom, & Telkomsel News from Detikinet, June 14th
Telkom Vision Targetkan 1 Juta Pelanggan
Telkomsel Niat Gelar Layanan FWA Murah
Telkom dan Telkomsel Sinergikan Jaringan
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS: The SDP Alliance selects Nokia Siemens Networks as its preferred global system integrator
“The key benefits to us have been fast time to market, high quality
services and reduced stress on our internal management resources. We
chose Nokia Siemens Networks because it clearly showed the right
combination of experience and competence in this business-critical area.” [more,]
Label: Hutchison
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Indonesia`s Telkom aiming for 20 pct rise in income
The prediction is based on the improvement in its performance recorded in the first quarter of this year. The country's largest telecommunication company posted Rp14.5 trillion in income in the first quarter of this year, up from Rp11.81 trillion in the same period last year. [more, antaranews]
Label: telkom
Mobile-8 merges subsidiaries to boost efficiency
Label: mobile 8
Indonesian Ambassador on Uzbek-Indonesian Relations
Label: Bakrie Telecom
Alcatel-Lucent to build 10 gigabit IP/Ethernet network for Telekom Malaysia
Label: Indosat, telekom malaysia
Monday, June 11, 2007
Timbal Balik Satelit RI-Malaysia Dinilai Tidak Transparan
Label: government, satellite
Merger Tiga Anak Usaha Mobile-8 Efektif
Label: mobile 8
RI Izinkan Masuk Satelit 10 Negara
Label: government, satellite
3Com introduces first 'open services' product
...In Indonesia, 3Com offers chiefly networking products, as these are in demand among the growing number of local SMBs. It has also introduced low- and mid-range network security products to meet the needs of Indonesian SMB customers. [more, thejakartapost]
Label: 3Com
Indosat Pasok Jasa Telekomunikasi Global TV
Label: Indosat
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Companies 'to spend more on the next wave of technology'
...Robin Dargue, Diageo's chief information officer and business process director, will be one of the key speakers at the conference along with Arman Hazairin, the vice-president of IT at Telkomsel, Indonesia's biggest mobile phone firm.
Hazairin is expected to discuss Telkomsel's customer service systems, developed by the Renfrewshire software developer Graham Technology.[more,]
Label: telkomsel
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Pelanggan Prabayar XL Bebas 5 Juta
Meski tidak disebutkan jumlah peningkatannya dari periode yang sama di tahun sebelumnya, namun Direktur Marketing XL, Nicanor V. Santiago, mengatakan salah satu pemicu peningkatan jumlah pelanggan Bebas ialah program promosi satu tarif. [more, detikinet]
Label: excelcomindo, GSM
Hutchison happy with RI cellular market debut despite tight local competition
"Despite the fact that we're a new player in the industry here, our growth is just as good as we expected, and we're happy with that," HCPT Indonesia chief marketing officer Suresh Reddy said Friday. [more, thejakartapost]
Friday, June 8, 2007
Diduga Melanggar UU Anti Monopoli, 3 Cuek
XL Kena Peringatan Soal Gangguan Jaringan
Label: BRTI, excelcomindo
Mobile phone subscribers could reach 122m by 2010
Hasnul Suhaimi, president director of Excelcomindo Pratama, said the mobile telecommunications penetration rate, which currently stood at between 32 and 35 percent, with a total of 75 million subscribers, was still relatively low. [more, thejakartapost]
Label: excelcomindo, mobile, telkom, telkomsel
Is competition absent in RI telecom industry?
Label: government, Indosat, telkomsel
Huawei Layani 50 Juta Pelanggan DSL
Label: Huawei
Pertumbuhan Fantastis, Peluang Terbuka Lebar
Label: telecom
iPSTAR adds clients in Korea and Japan
Label: satellite
Temasek Denies Monopolistic Practices
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Temasek: No anti-trust practices in Indonesia
Temasek has major stakes in Indonesia's top mobile phone operators, PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) and PT Indosat Tbk, held via units. [more,]
Temasek denies involvement in anti-competitive practices in Indonesia
This is according to a statement from its lawyer in Indonesia, Todung Mulya Lubis.
Indonesian anti-trust authorities are investigating Temasek after receiving a price-fixing complaint in December. [more,]
Label: Temasek
TM unit plans fibre optic link in Indonesia
... Besides XL, the other six companies in the consortium to develop the Palapa Ring are PT Power Utama Internusa, PT Nusantara Ekaprana Teknogunakelola, PT Infokom Elektrindo, PT Bakrie Telecom, PT Indosat, and PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom). [more,]
Label: Bakrie Telecom, excelcomindo, government, Indosat, telecom, telekom malaysia, telkom
Indosat to acquire, launch new satellite
"We will launch a new satellite. It is now in the process of being procured. We hope to make further decisions on it in the near future," Johnny Swandi Sjam, newly appointed PT Indosat president diector, said here Tuesday. [more, antaranews]
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
New Power Amplifier for CDMA450 3G Cell Phones
Beating the odds, Johnny named Indosat president director
Label: Indosat
PT Indosat says 69 percent of US dollar debt was hedged at end-March
Label: Indosat
Asian Nations Aim to Close Digital Divide
...The forum also includes Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. [more, koreatimes]
Label: government, telecom
Lehmann Brothers bullish on WiMax for developing Asia, rural Australia
Taxation Director General to cross check Indosat`s tax
Label: Indosat
Dirut Indosat Johnny Swandi Sjam
Label: Indosat
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Vietnam steps up probe into undersea cable thefts
Label: telecom
Asia Mobile gets a slice of IPStar action
Label: Indosat
Indosat shares lower on report of derivatives losses
Label: Indosat
Kabel Fiber Optik Putus, Internet Jateng Mati
Label: telkom
Arwin Rasyid Punya Bekal Jadi Dirut Indosat
Label: government, Indosat
Hutchison Telecom ADSs' US Ex-Dividend Date
Label: Hutchison
Monday, June 4, 2007
Calon Dirut Indosat akan Ikut 'Ujian'
Label: government, Indosat
Indosat Pinjam US$ 50 Juta untuk Genjot Seluler
Label: Indosat
CommunicAsia 2 Minggu Lagi
Label: telecom
FLAG Telecom forms alliance with global co
Label: telecom
Indonesia's CDMA subscribers surpassed 10 million
Label: CDMA
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Spice promoters may offload 20% stake
Label: telekom malaysia
NTT sale to Maxis still not finalised
Label: Maxis
News Corp reinstates in Aussie index
Label: Singtel
Bakrie Telecom to issue $55 million bonds
Label: Bakrie Telecom
Telkomsel Incar 2000 Pelanggan HSDPA di Bandung
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Telkomsel Kuasai Seluruh Kecamatan NTT
Label: telkomsel
Friday, June 1, 2007
Malaysia's Maxis unveils mobile phone money transfer service to the Philippines
Indonesia's Telkom says plans share buyback
Label: telkom
Hutchison Telecom Hong Kong Selects NEC's Mobile Internet Platform for i-mode Service in Hong Kong
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